Houston Uncommon Modern
By Delaney Harris-Finch and Anna Mod
Published by AIA Houston
Paperback, 141 pages
Houston Uncommon Modern is a preservation minded project that documents, analyzes and celebrates our city’s abundance of secondary and tertiary midcentury buildings hidden in full sight. An exhibit featuring 100+ photos premeired at Architecture Center Houston November 24, 2015 through February 12, 2016. Churches, office buildings, business parks, donut shops, schools and gas stations show off the design and materials of these overlooked architectural resources of Houston’s sprawling and often underappreciated cityscape. The exhibit catalog recreates the exhibit as well as details more than 400 unique sites identified by the research team and text exploring the history and context of this architecture in Houston.

Building Modern Houston
By Anna Mod
Published by Arcadia Publishing Library Editions
Hardcover / Softcover, 192 pages
Founded in 1836, Houston is now the country's fourth-largest city. In the early 20th century, Houston's economy shifted from agriculture to oil, fueling the city's explosive growth in the following decades. Houston grabbed the reins and saw a building boom in commercial, residential, and civic architecture redefine the city and skyline. Modernism was a new and fresh architectural expression and the perfect complement to the city's can-do entrepreneurial spirit. The 1960s brought ground-breaking ceremonies for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) headquarters, while residents and tourists alike lined up to tour the revolutionary new Astrodome. Building Modern Houston tells the story of Houston's architecture during its transformation from "Bayou City" to "Space City." https://www.arcadiapublishing.com/9780738585246/Building-Modern-Houston
Atomic Ranch: Design Ideas for Stylish Ranch Homes
By Michelle Gringeri-Brown
Published by Gibbs Smith
Hardcover, 192 pages
Authors Michelle Gringeri-Brown and Jim Brown trekked all the way to Houston to profile five local houses for their new design book. The book features photographs and stories about the modern houses of Houston Mod members and aficionados, Michael and Selena Brichford (p. 89), Cathie and Rick Johnson (p. 24-27), Rita and Yuri Katchan (p. 116-119), Ben Koush (p.100-103), and Karen Lantz and Andy Farkas (p. 60-63). The last chapter, “Preserving Midcentury Neighborhoods” describes the efforts of Houston Mod and other organizations throughout the country in trying to promote awareness and understanding of our modern architectural heritage. https://www.atomic-ranch.com/books/
Atomic Ranch Midcentury Interiors
By Michelle Gringeri-Brown
Published by Gibbs Smith
Hardcover, 192 pages
Atomic Ranch Midcentury Interiors showcases the virtues of the popular and ubiquitous ranch houses that sprang up across the country following World War II. It features the exceptional interiors of eight houses, discusses successes and challenges, and shows how to live stylishly. Tips are shared on color, flooring, window coverings, furniture arrangements, and how off - the - shelf components can be turned into custom features. The homeowners' stories explain why these rooms work, and provide you with resources and ideas for everything from garage doors to the art on the wall. https://www.atomic-ranch.com/books/