Sunday, October 13, 2019, 2 – 4 PM Docomomo US Tour Day 2019, The Diversity of Modernism
Come join us and tour the heart of the TSU campus and view the buildings designed by John Chase that established a new direction for the campus master planning and architecture in the 1960s. We will start at the East Parking Garage (Smith & Company 2006) and walk south to the Thurgood Marshall School of Law (John S. Chase 1976). At the entrance to the central campus plaza, we will pass by the newest campus building, the Library Learning Center (Moody Nolan 2019). The tour extends west to the first campus building, Fairchild Hall (Cato, Austin, Evans 1947), home to the University Museum (founded 2000). Prominent art pieces by internationally renowned African American muralist painter John T. Biggers and sculptor Carroll Harris Simms are on display in the Museum and on the campus. Following the TSU Walking Tour, we encourage you to take the DocoUS Diversity of Modernism Tour 2019 – 3rd Ward Driving Map. On the tour you will see buildings designed by John Chase including churches and residences. Additional prominent Third Ward sites designed by other architects are also highlighted.
The event is part of Docomomo US Tour Day, an annual celebration of modern architecture and design where participants across the country simultaneously tour local modern sites. Tour Day includes over 50 tours in over 30 cities hosted by Docomomo US regional chapters and friends organizations. The theme for Tour Day 2019 is The Diversity of Modernism.
Houston Mod members and non-members are welcome to attend.