Saturday, October 13, 2018, 2 – 4 PM
Docomomo US Tour Day 2018, Public Spaces – Inside and Out
Jesse H. Jones Hall for the Performing Arts and Tranquillity Park Walking Tour
You are invited to join Houston Mod for a special walking tour in downtown Houston of the Jesse H. Jones Hall for the Performing Arts designed by Caudill Rowlett Scott, 1966, and Tranquillity Park designed by Charles Tapley Associates, 1979.Small groups will be lead through Tranquillity Park, and around and inside Jones Hall with special access to behind the scenes areas. The tour will include a discussion on the historic significance of the spaces, the important role they have played in Houston’s civic life, and future renovation plans.
The event is part of Docomomo US Tour Day, an annual celebration of modern architecture and design where participants across the country simultaneously tour local modern sites. Tour Day includes over 50 tours in over 30 cities hosted by Docomomo US regional chapters and friends organizations. The theme for Tour Day 2018 is Public Spaces – Inside and Out.
Houston Mod members and non-members are welcome to attend. Members were offered first chance to reserve tickets, but on Thursday, October 11 at 9 a.m. anyone may register for the event. Registration is required, so please sign up if you are interested! The event is free; a $10 suggested donation may be made if you feel so inclined. Professional AIA participants will earn 2 HSW learning units for attending. Share the tour with friends at the Facebook event page. Email [email protected] with any questions.
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