This spectacular vintage modern house originally cost almost eight times the price of an average house of that time. Thankfully it has been thoughtfully maintained, with fantastic features – including a giant curvilinear living area with centered stone fireplace, terrazzo floors, a deluxe array of original lighting fixtures, outstanding vintage kitchen and bathrooms still delivering their intended impact. The cherished neighborhood landmark was designed in 1957 by Jonathan D. Dansby, Jr. (1916-1971). Other areas with designs by J.D. Dansby include the Houston museum area, Bellaire, Lake Jackson, Pasadena and Galveston.
In 2011, after a three-year effort, the neighborhood of Glenbrook Valley, consisting of 1,256 houses, was designated Houston’s first historic district outside of the Loop 610 Freeway and is believed to be the largest mid-century era residential historic district in the United States. While visiting, note the recent vintage-styled neighborhood entrance markers, extensively landscaped recreational medians along Broadway and the many newly reconstructed streets with new utilities throughout the area plus the ever-improving condition of the houses and landscapes.