Thomas Sidney Fluker was born in Freeport. During military service in the early 50s, he met Edward Hilla from New Jersey and the two of them collaborated on about seven houses in the Brazosport area before 1960. This is the largest and most modern one. The clients, James and Margaret Key, asked Caudill, Rowlett, and Scott, who were working on the nearby Oran Roberts Elementary School, to design their house. At that time CRS was focusing on school projects and John Rowlett, who had taught Fluker at Texas A&M, recommended the young architect. The house features a dramatic open-riser stair in the entry and strongly patterned terrazzo floors. First floor living spaces have window walls overlooking an interior courtyard; the offset second floor contains bedrooms and a game room. The second floor extends out over the driveway creating a porte-cochere and covered entryway.
Text by Martin Merritt
This house was featured in Houston Mod`s tour of Lake Jackson, Coastal Forest Mod, as part of the 2012 DOCOMOMO US National Tour Day.