Park Place Baptist Church serves as a mod landmark at the Gulf Freeway exit for mid-century neighborhood of Glenbrook Valley (not to mention Hobby Airport). The original structure was completed in 1952 and the sanctuary and bell tower in 1961. Unfortunately the congregation no longer owns the 8.694-acre building and campus. In 2002, the property was deeded to the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, which is based in Dallas. The campus currently serves as the Seminary’s J. Dalton Havard School for Theological Studies.
The campus consists of a sanctuary that seats 2,200 people and an array of connected structures grouped around a central courtyard. The parking lot, which stretches toward the banks of Sims Bayou on the property’s southern flank, has 255 spaces. The church’s signature feature is the long, thin-shell folded-concrete canopy over the walkway that stretches from the parking lot to the sanctuary.