5202 Del Monte Drive, Houston, TX 77056
Please help us find new preservation minded owners for this 1957 vintage modern style house. The residence is located in the Galleria area, about five miles west of downtown Houston.
Thanks to Houston MODern Market for sponsoring this FREE event.
This prominently sited dynamic modern house was designed by the architectural firm of A. C. Brodnax & J. R. Phenix Associates who also designed the Astroworld Hotel and Freeport First National Bank along with a number of other houses. Brodnax was an instructor at the University of Houston College of Architecture and got his start with Phil Willard along with Lucian Hood, Lars Bang, Brooks & Brooks and Flynn & Flynn. Even though the house has been recently updated including a new roof, it is listed only as a building site. Notable design elements include the complex butterfly roof, artistically punctuated brick privacy wall, and the custom metal entry gateway. Other modern houses in the neighborhood are being preserved including one by Neuhaus & Taylor and another by Lars Bang which was featured as a Mod of the Month. 5202 Del Monte makes an important contribution to the mid-century modern context of the neighborhood and deserves to be conserved.