Houston Mod invites you to join us this Sunday, August 26, 2018 for a Mod of the Month open house event from 2 – 4 PM.
Help us find new preservation-minded owners for these vintage modern houses located in Briar Hollow, located about 5 miles west of downtown Houston. Briar Hollow, originally an outpost of country estates and recreational facilities for center-city Houstonians, underwent rapid change as the West Loop 610 freeway was planned and constructed. Land use changed to a mix of offices and mostly more compact housing styles. It has remained a prime location, continuing to increase in density and value.
Thanks to Houston MODern Market for sponsoring this FREE event.
45 Briar Hollow Lane is an extremely handsome group of townhouses which created a sensation with the in-crowd of mid-1970’s Houston. People still talk about the then unheard-of three level living, complete with clear Lucite elevators, and unique interiors and exteriors at every unit. The structure is impressive, consisting of a base level hugging the edge of a steep slope where an ample drive and garages are located. The superstructure consists of 12 units with a central pedestrian promenade linking to the expansive wooded ravine beyond. Each unit opens to the lush views and terraced pool area complete with mostly original elements.
Lars W. Bang (1921-2007) grew up in the Houston Heights. Of Danish descent, his father was an engineer and designer. After serving in the Air Corps in World War 2, Bang graduated from the University of Houston architecture program in 1950, where Donald Barthelme and Howard Barnstone were two of his instructors. He was known for his bold and dynamic design skills and even before graduation, secretly worked for older architects who were not well versed in modern design. As a student he also worked for the progressive architect Phillip Willard where he and classmate Lucian Hood were in charge of the design office which employed a number of other talented UH students. Soon after he partnered with Lucian Hood, designing and building several large buildings for the real estate developer Kenneth Schnitzer. Later Bang established his own firm. He designed the original Tony’s Restaraunt, still considered Houston’s finest, where Bang was known to have a table where many clients were impressed with his design skills and charming personality. His later projects consisted mainly of commercial developments.
Additional Drive-Bys on Briar Hollow Lane:
Both of these mods are extremely endangered, yet are among the finest examples of modern architecture in Houston. Please spread the word about these important houses in need of preservation-minded new owners.
61 Briar Hollow Lane (1960) by Bolton and Barnstone – one of Houston’s most important and sensational modern houses.
62 Briar Hollow Lane (1960) by Wilson, Morris Crane and Anderson – another top design.