
Caudill Second House

10923 Kirwick Street
  • Architect
  • Year Built
  • Building Type
    Single-Family Residential
  • Neighborhood
    Memorial Bend
  • Quadrant
  • Status
    Mod No More

Caudill Rowlett Scott, formed in Bryan TX, grew to be the most celebrated firm of modern architects in Texas in the 1950s. Bill Caudill (1914-1983) and his partners moved their practice to Houston in 1958. Caudill built this house for his family in the Willowick subdivision in Hunter’s Creek Village at a sharp bend in Buffalo Bayou. The house was designed as a series of parallel brick walls with living spaces slotted in between. At the center of the house is an enormous living room, thirty feet by thirty feet in area and thirty-eight feet high, that contrasts with the compact scale of the rest of the house. Alterations and additions to the house are by architect M. Arthur Kotch for the second owners. CRS’s practice was world-wide. Their landmark Houston building is Jones Hall downtown. One of CRS’s earliest Houston buildings, the Dow Center at Richmond and Edloe, has recently been demolished. Sadly, this house was demolished in November, 2007.