
Ginzbarg House

4520 Oleander Street
  • Architect
  • Year Built
  • Neighborhood
  • Quadrant
  • Status
    Still With Us

Arthur and Hana Ginzbarg hired William Jenkins to build their house on Oleander Street in Bellaire, Texas in 1952, around the same time Jenkins was graduating from The University of Houston.

Features of the house include a living area with panes of windows which stretch along the length of the living area on the north and south sides of the house making it almost transparent when the curtains are opened. Three cozy bedrooms made the house a very happy home for the Ginzbarg family for nearly 60 years. Hana Ginzbarg is every bit as much a naturalist and conservationist pioneer as she is a modernist pioneer, founding the non-profit, Nature Discovery Center in Bellaire, Texas with her husband, Arthur in 1979.

For more information on and photos of this house please purchase the book, `High Style in the Suburbs: The Early Modern Houses of William R. Jenkins by Jason Smith.