From “The architecture of MacKie and Kamrath” by Regan S. Miller:
`In 1951, Kamrath began design on two of his finest houses, his own Kamrath Residence and the Gonzalez Residence, both on Tiel Way. The two houses were programmatically quite different. The Gonzalez House was designed for a middle-aged couple without children… The placement of both houses display Kamrath’s attitude towards the landscape. Both are nestled securely in the ground, attempting to synthesize nature and architecture. The houses are diminutively-scaled and hidden from the street. The Gonzalez house took six years to plan and was completed in 1957. The 4000 square foot house is built on a terraced knoll that borders the bayou. It is planned on three different levels in order to conform to the existing contours. The living room opens toward an expansive view of the property and cantilevers dramatically above the ravine. The master bedroom (on the top level, furthest away from the bayou) is placed in a serene and intimate setting… The interior walls and ceilings are clad with lapped redwood board ceiling while the floors are slate. There are numerous custom designed built-ins such as a sunken tile bath and special cabinets.`
This house is notable as the only Houston residence known to be photographed and published by Julius Shulman, in his book MODERNISM REDISCOVERED.
The house was demolished in early 2017.